Days in the life of a baby-killing center
Lovejoy abortuary in Portland, Oregon, 933 NW 25th, is the state's largest baby-killer. Do your friends, neighbors,
co-workers, or family help baby killers? Maybe you'll see them here. If so, maybe you can talk some sense into
them. Take a look.
 Do you know this lovely lady doggedly protecting the abortionists from prayer?

And what about this guy? Is he a neighbor or co-worker? He is an abortion provider in his spare time. The redhead
is a old-timer. You'll see more of her later.

Here's an odd couple from the abortion gang. Do you know them?
 This guy was waiting while his child was killed.

Nice cars -- for "poor" abortionists and for "poor" abortion customers.
 A bad picture of a murdering mom leaving after the evil deed.
 "Red" again. A better look at this baby killer.

Another bad picture of abortion "customers."
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